Country of the gingerbread [ Regional tourist product ]

Regional turistic product which should help to put this locality on the map and motivate people (especially families with small children) to visit the region.
1997 - first preparations and workings started
8.5.2001 - Agency "Tradice" arranged the first year of the "Gingerbread´s festival" in Pardubice.
7.-8.5.2002 - The second year of the "Gingerbread´s festival"
7.-8.5.2003 - The third year of the "Gingerbread´s festival" with the presence of the Prime minister Vladimír Špidla
28.5.2003 - the presentation of the Country of the gingerbread on the map of fairy tale regions in Pisek
June 2003 - the edition of three postcards of the country of the gingerbread (Kunětická hora,Slatiňany and Seč)
July 2003 - the preparation of the "gingerbread´s house" as the touristic place for families with small children
1997 - first preparations and workings started
8.5.2001 - Agency "Tradice" arranged the first year of the "Gingerbread´s festival" in Pardubice.
7.-8.5.2002 - The second year of the "Gingerbread´s festival"
7.-8.5.2003 - The third year of the "Gingerbread´s festival" with the presence of the Prime minister Vladimír Špidla
28.5.2003 - the presentation of the Country of the gingerbread on the map of fairy tale regions in Pisek
June 2003 - the edition of three postcards of the country of the gingerbread (Kunětická hora,Slatiňany and Seč)
July 2003 - the preparation of the "gingerbread´s house" as the touristic place for families with small children
Luděk Šorm
V Perníkové chaloupce č. p. 38
533 52 Ráby
Czechia (CZ)tel: (+420) 466 612 474
(+420) 602 413 134 - ředitel
e-mail: info@pardub.cz
- Pohádkové regiony Čech, Moravy a Slezska 1 : 500.000 [ Map ]
- Slavnosti perníku [ Encyclopedic headword ]
- Gingerbread House [ Sight ] [gps] [osm]
- Kunětická hora - pozdrav z Perníkového hejtmanství [ Postcards ]
- Perníkové hejtmanství - Sečská přehrada [ Postcards ]
- Perníkové hejtmanství - Slatiňany [ Postcards ]
- Perníkové hejtmanství - Pardubice [ Postcards ]
- Perníkové hejtmanství - Chrudim [ Postcards ]
- Perníkové hejtmanství - Památník obce Ležáky [ Postcards ]
- Perníkové hejtmanství - Košumberk [ Postcards ]
- Region NUTS 3: Pardubický kraj
- Region NUTS 2: Severovýchod
- Tourist region: 27 Pardubicko
- Destination: Východní Čechy
INFORMATION: http://www.Pernikove.Hejtmanstvi.cz
Type: Regional tourist product
LAST MODIFY: správce systému (infosystem.cz) org. 2, 17.09.2004 v 14:49 hodin