Městské informační centrum Příbor [ Tourist Office ]
The Town Information Centre has been operated in Příbor since January 1st, 2000. It is a part of the Local Authority of Příbor and comes, in terms of the authority organisation, under the Department of Information, Culture and Tourism. The information centre, which comes directly under the Local Authority, is situated on the 1st floor of the Local Authority building.
Two persons - Barbora Štůsková and Pavla Veselková - work in the information centre. To ensure an absolute substitutability of the workers, there are no special work tasks to be assigned to a particular worker of the information centre. Nevertheless, their work can be divided into the following two main areas: the tourist information area and the citizen service area.
Year-long opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 8.00am to 5.00pm
Opening hours uninterrupted (no midday break). Closed on the national holidays.
The main task of the information centre, like that of most information centres, is to provide information for tourists, citizens and all the Příbor visitors.
We provide the information concerning:
- the town and its surroundings
- accommodation and food possibilities in the town
- sports events and activities
- services provided within the town
- telephone numbers within the town area
- train and bus arrivals and departures
- important authorities and institutions
- events in the town and its surroundings
- the offer of printed promotional materials for tourists
- basic data on the non-profit sector in the town (civic associations, clubs, societies, welfare companies and other similar institution)
The centre is governed by Act on Free Access to Information, No. 106/1999 Coll. A file of documents to perform that Act in the conditions of the town of Příbor, including a complete price-list being an annex to that documents, is available at the information centre.
A substantial part of the information centre's activity consists in the "citizen service", which is intended to serve the citizens and make the orientaiton in handling different matters within the local authority easier for the citizens. At the information centre, most forms required and a set of all the regulations issued by the town are available. In addition, copying acts is provided by the centre; in case the citizen's requirement for information is beyond the centre's authority, the centre will refer that citizen to a person in charge. Paid services are among usual activities provided by information centres.
The information centre in Příbor offers the following paid services:
- A4- and A3-size black-and-white copying, including reducing and enlarging copies
- A4- and A3-size colour copying, including reducing and enlarging copies
- Internet access including consultancy
- colour and black-and-white scanning up to size A4
- black and colour ink-jet printing (photo quality).
At the information centre, there is an advance-booking office to sell tickets to the events arranged by the Local Authority.
Last but not least, an important part of the centre activity consists in selling tourist materials - maps, booklets, souvenirs and other similar things. The range of the goods offered has increasingly been extended, however, it depends on to the current requirements of the information centre visitors. At present, the centre can you offer an extensive collection of hiking maps issued by the Club of the Czech Hikers, maps of all the towns within the Příbor surroundings and cities within the Czech Republic, road maps, camping maps, castle and chateau maps and "for more demanding tourists" maps of some foreign countries.
The centre publishes leaflets containing information concerning Příbor; each of the information leaflets is focused on a particular topic. So far, the following topics have been elaborated in the leaflets: "About Příbor", "Sigmund Freud - a native of Příbor","Walk through the Historic Town Preserve","Accommodation and food", "Medical facilities", "Telephone directory". A list of the cultural events in the town is issued by the centre on a regular basis early every month. In addition, the centre produces all the posters to advertise the events arranged by the town or the local authority meetings.
The centre co-operates with other information centres in the town environs and exchanges the cultural event and cinema programme guides, promotional materials and town bulletins with them.
The centre is a contact point of tourist mark No. 333 sale.
The information centre web site is linked with the multi-language Information and Booking System "Domain Ball". The centre information can be found at over 2000 web portals.
Two persons - Barbora Štůsková and Pavla Veselková - work in the information centre. To ensure an absolute substitutability of the workers, there are no special work tasks to be assigned to a particular worker of the information centre. Nevertheless, their work can be divided into the following two main areas: the tourist information area and the citizen service area.
Year-long opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 8.00am to 5.00pm
Opening hours uninterrupted (no midday break). Closed on the national holidays.
The main task of the information centre, like that of most information centres, is to provide information for tourists, citizens and all the Příbor visitors.
We provide the information concerning:
- the town and its surroundings
- accommodation and food possibilities in the town
- sports events and activities
- services provided within the town
- telephone numbers within the town area
- train and bus arrivals and departures
- important authorities and institutions
- events in the town and its surroundings
- the offer of printed promotional materials for tourists
- basic data on the non-profit sector in the town (civic associations, clubs, societies, welfare companies and other similar institution)
The centre is governed by Act on Free Access to Information, No. 106/1999 Coll. A file of documents to perform that Act in the conditions of the town of Příbor, including a complete price-list being an annex to that documents, is available at the information centre.
A substantial part of the information centre's activity consists in the "citizen service", which is intended to serve the citizens and make the orientaiton in handling different matters within the local authority easier for the citizens. At the information centre, most forms required and a set of all the regulations issued by the town are available. In addition, copying acts is provided by the centre; in case the citizen's requirement for information is beyond the centre's authority, the centre will refer that citizen to a person in charge. Paid services are among usual activities provided by information centres.
The information centre in Příbor offers the following paid services:
- A4- and A3-size black-and-white copying, including reducing and enlarging copies
- A4- and A3-size colour copying, including reducing and enlarging copies
- Internet access including consultancy
- colour and black-and-white scanning up to size A4
- black and colour ink-jet printing (photo quality).
At the information centre, there is an advance-booking office to sell tickets to the events arranged by the Local Authority.
Last but not least, an important part of the centre activity consists in selling tourist materials - maps, booklets, souvenirs and other similar things. The range of the goods offered has increasingly been extended, however, it depends on to the current requirements of the information centre visitors. At present, the centre can you offer an extensive collection of hiking maps issued by the Club of the Czech Hikers, maps of all the towns within the Příbor surroundings and cities within the Czech Republic, road maps, camping maps, castle and chateau maps and "for more demanding tourists" maps of some foreign countries.
The centre publishes leaflets containing information concerning Příbor; each of the information leaflets is focused on a particular topic. So far, the following topics have been elaborated in the leaflets: "About Příbor", "Sigmund Freud - a native of Příbor","Walk through the Historic Town Preserve","Accommodation and food", "Medical facilities", "Telephone directory". A list of the cultural events in the town is issued by the centre on a regular basis early every month. In addition, the centre produces all the posters to advertise the events arranged by the town or the local authority meetings.
The centre co-operates with other information centres in the town environs and exchanges the cultural event and cinema programme guides, promotional materials and town bulletins with them.
The centre is a contact point of tourist mark No. 333 sale.
The information centre web site is linked with the multi-language Information and Booking System "Domain Ball". The centre information can be found at over 2000 web portals.
Městské informační centrum Příbor
Náměstí S. Freuda 19
742 58 Příbor
Czechia (CZ)tel: (+420) 556 455 442
fax: (+420) 556 455 444
e-mail: mic@pribor-mesto.cz

- 13.02.2004: Sazebník výše úhrad
- 11.02.2004: Svobodný přístup k informacím
- [ Information service ] Kde nás najdete [gps], 291.00 m.n.m.
- [ Worker ] VESELKOVÁ Pavla
- WGS-84: 49.6402N, 18.143316667E
- Altitude: 291.00 m
- Street or locality: náměstí Sigmunda Freuda, č. 19
- Village or Town/City: Příbor
- District of Administration 2: Příbor
- District of Administration 3: Kopřivnice
- Region NUTS 4: Okres Nový Jičín
- Region NUTS 3: Moravskoslezský kraj
- Region NUTS 2: Moravsko-Slezsko
- Tourist region: 38 Beskydy - Valašsko
- Destination: Severní Morava a Slezsko
- Archiv (1)
- Klub českých turistů - předseda (1)
- Výroba (1)
- Klub českých turistů - výbor (1)
- Městská památková rezervace (2)
- Historické pohlednice a fotografie (69)
- Rehabilitace a masáže (5)
- Židovský dům (1)
- Autobusová zastávka (2)
- Klub českých turistů - odbor (1)
- Opravna (2)
- Laboratoř (1)
- Prodejna potravin (6)
- Průmyslová výroba (6)
- Výrobek nebo zboží k prodeji (5)
- Charita nebo sociální služby (3)
- Turistický odznak (1)
- Klub českých turistů - člen (2)
- Zámečnictví (1)
- Autodoprava (5)
- Turistická známka (1)
- Accommodation (3)
- Accounting and Economic services - Counselling (7)
- Ambulance (14)
- Architectonic monument (1) [gps]
- Association (10)
- Bank (2)
- Beauty Parlour (5)
- Bicycles (1)
- Boarding house (7)
- Cadastral territory (4)
- Café (1)
- Car repair service (7)
- Car-camping (1)
- Cash dispenser (3)
- Castle or ruin of castle (1)
- Cemetery (2)
- Chapel (1) [gps]
- Children´s home (1)
- Church (1)
- Church or cathedral (4)
- City or Community Services (2)
- Clothes (1)
- Club (4)
- Committee (4)
- Community Division (8)
- Computer Technology (1)
- Confectioner´s (1) [gps]
- Consulting room (1)
- Cottage, chalet (1)
- Councillor (1)
- Cultural and entertainment centre (2)
- Cycle route (5)
- Dentistry (4)
- Dining-room (1)
- Driving school (1)
- Drug-store (2)
- Drycleaner (2)
- Educational institutions (1)
- Emblem and flag (1)
- Emergency service (1)
- Encyclopedic headword (7)
- Executive manager (8)
- Fire department (2)
- Florist´s (3)
- Fountain (1) [gps]
- Gallery (1)
- Gas station (4)
- General Practitioner (6)
- Graphic studio (5)
- Guide of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia (2)
- Hairdresser´s (9)
- History (5)
- Horses, Racing (1)
- Hotel or hostel (3)
- Information service (3)
- Information site (10)
- Insurance (5)
- Internet Services (1)
- Language School (1)
- Lawyer´s office (1)
- Lending Office (5)
- Library (1)
- Literature (1)
- Member of the Local Board of Representatives (4)
- Monument or Memorial (5)
- Municipal Authority (1) [gps]
- Museum (2)
- Musical ensemble or group (2)
- Natural point of interest (3)
- Nature trail (1)
- Notable personality (19)
- Notable personality ČR (1)
- Notary Office (1)
- Nursery school (3)
- Observatory (1)
- Official Board (1)
- Old Folks Home (2)
- Optics (2)
- Parish church or parish office (1)
- Park (1) [gps]
- Pharmacy (2)
- Police (2)
- Post Office (1) [gps]
- Primary school (2)
- Protected Tree (4)
- Railway (1) [gps]
- Railway-track (1) [osm]
- Real Estate Agency (1)
- Restaurant (18)
- Saving in a building society (1)
- Secondary school (1) [gps]
- Services (84)
- Shop (48)
- Signboard (1)
- Snack bar (5)
- Sports facilities (10)
- Sports-club (9)
- Statue, sculptural group or sculpture (4)
- Street or locality (103)
- Swimming pool (1) [gps]
- Taxi (2)
- Tearoom (1)
- Theatre (1) [gps]
- Tourist path KČT (1)
- Town house or building (6)
- Town vice-mayor (1)
- Town-clerk (2)
- Translations and interpretations (1)
- Travel Office (3)
- TV or video studio (3)
- Undertaker services (3)
- Village or Town/City (1) [gps] [osm]
- Walls or fortification wall (1) [gps]
- WEB Camera On-Line (1)
- Wholesale trade (2)
- Wineshop (1)
- Worker (49)
- Yoga (1)
- Youth Home (2)
INFORMATION: http://www.pribor.eu
Type: Tourist Office
LAST MODIFY: Petra Kolářová (Kancelář vedení města) org. 139, 17.12.2013 v 08:45 hodin