Titulní stránka > Památky > hrad Kunětická hora

Castle Kunětická Hora [ Castle or ruin of castle ]
Originally a royal castle established at the end of the 13th century, but abandoned by the early 14th century. In the early 15th century, the ruin was used as the basis of a castle by the Hussite hetman Diviš Bořek of Miletín. At the end of the 15th century the castle was bought by Vilém of Pernštejn, who magnificently rebuilt.
In the mid-17th century, however, the castle was devastated by Swedish troops, and from 1681 was allowed to fall into disrepair.
From the second half of the 19th century, work to make the castle safe and gradual reconstruct it was begun by the architect Dušan Jurkovič.
In the mid-17th century, however, the castle was devastated by Swedish troops, and from 1681 was allowed to fall into disrepair.
From the second half of the 19th century, work to make the castle safe and gradual reconstruct it was begun by the architect Dušan Jurkovič.
Hrad Kunětická Hora
Ráby 6
533 52 Staré Hradiště
Czechia (CZ)tel: (+420) 466 415 428
e-mail: kunetickahora@pardubice.npu.cz

- [ Cycle route ] Cyklotrasa Pardubice - Hradec Králové (okolo Kunětické hory) 6.00 km [osm]
- [ Tourist path KČT ] Po červené z Pardubic na Kunětickou horu 9.00 km [osm]
- [ Tourist path KČT ] Po zelené z Pardubic na Kunětickou horu 6.00 km [osm]
- Gingerbread House [ Sight ] [gps] [osm]
- Pension at the Gingerbread House [ Private Accommodation ] [gps] [osm]
- Obora pod hradem Kunětická hora [ Preserve ] [gps] [osm]
- WGS-84: 50.080122513N, 15.811860859E
- Altitude: 307.00 m
- Street or locality: Ráby, č. 6
- Cadastral territory: Ráby
- Village or Town/City: Ráby
- District of Administration 2: Pardubice
- District of Administration 3: Pardubice
- Region NUTS 4: Okres Pardubice
- Region NUTS 3: Pardubický kraj
- Region NUTS 2: Severovýchod
- Tourist region: 27 Pardubicko
- Destination: Východní Čechy
INFORMATION: http://www.hrad-kunetickahora.cz
Type: Castle or ruin of castle
LAST MODIFY: Šormová Helena (INFOSYSTEM s.r.o.) org. 2, 19.11.2024 v 12:09 hodin